Heir Search and Probate Genealogy

Probate research in Czech Republic and Slovakia (former Czechoslovakia)

Decades of experience and unique know-how at your service.

We help clients trace missing heirs to unclaimed estates, dormant funds and derelict properties.

Our firm, its partners and their predecessors have been specialized in heir search and probate genealogy since 1960.

We focus on the territory of former Czechoslovakia, namely Czech Republic (Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia, Sudetenland) and Slovak Republic.

Our team locates the family members of the deceased’s extended family and produces necessary vital certificates and documentation to substantiate family relations and heirship including translations. We are able to provide official translations of documents.

We have correspondents and cooperate with many firms, public bodies and individuals specialized in searching for beneficiaries of deceased estates around the world.

Diligent and efficient.